I have come to the conclusion that people have MAJOR anger issues here. I've been here a month, and I've already witnessed 3 serious verbal/physical altercations. Grown men with serious anger, ego, pride issues...
Altercation #1
The first one was on the train from London to Paris. This girl set up shop in the wrong seat and realized it, so as she was collecting her belongings to move the guy whose seat she was in was politely waiting in the aisle. When he got into his seat, the rude eeeediot behind him went off. I was in the seat right behind them and had to listen to it for the next 10 minutes. I thought they were going to break out in a fistfight.
Altercation #2
I was walking back to my hotel and all of the sudden I hear intense screaming behind me in the street. I look and 2 grown men, one in a silver Mercedes and one in a black Mercedes jump out of their cars and are SCREAMING at each other in the middle of the street. After listening for a few seconds I decided to keep walking, because if one of them had a gun I was sure they would use it. They sat there, screaming at each other, their cars holding up tons of traffic. At one point one of them took his newspaper, balled it up and threw it at the other hahaha.
Altercation #3
I was walking from my hotel to the tube and I hear shouting, horns beeping and a lot of commotion.. I look toward the street and see 2 buses both stopped, holding up traffic for blocks. Somehow they were turning left and ended up turning into each other (idiots). Both refused to move and kept saying that the other one should have to. Ridiculous. They were arguing and yelling at each other, blocking the entire street, during rush hour..
The line of traffic that formed because of these 2. This picture doesn't even do it justice: